Saturday, January 28, 2017

Pro-life or pro-birth?

I've been so good about not posting on FB cuz I don't want a fight but I'm SICK of the articles and posts that say that pro-life people are only pro-birth. I am a democrat at heart (not that political party should matter at all, but for some reason it does) but that means that I want more money/taxes to go towards programs to helping woman and children out. I would love it if places that gave medical care and birth control options got more funding (because I agree-what better way to slow down abortion rates?). But abortion is wrong. We can't deny the science that says that that mass of tissue is a life. It has unique DNA and if we found something with unique DNA on Mars wouldn't we call it life? And more than that, we know that that life is a human life because humans can't have sex with other humans and produce something not human. We don't want to admit it because that would mean that we have killed our children without knowing it, before science could prove this fact. We don't want to admit it because of the guilt and anguish this thought causes. But isn't it better to be wrong and guilty than to let the same thing keep happening 600,00 times a year in the US alone and continue to do nothing.

Not personally, but I know the intense grief an abortion can cause mothers. I know that it is not a decision taken lightly and causes many to suffer from depression. I know that "Christians" do a terrible job of showing love and forgiveness to non-Christians who have had an abortion in the past. For that I am truly sorry.

But back to being just pro-birth...I am pro-life but not just pro-birth. Not only do I want more funding for those things and places but one of my hopes is to one day adopt. I want to do what I can to help these children out. And I'm not the only one. Most of the people I'm around that are pro-life have adopted or are looking into it. They don't just want these children to be born, they want them to have a better life. I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule but they are the exception (at least among people I know).

So we need to stop with the pro-life only means pro-birth nonsense. Until you hang out and get to know people who are pro-life, stop accusing them of not caring about the children after birth.