Monday, July 23, 2012


At the beginning of June, after coming home from work one night, I got the tragic news that my cousin was in the hospital and was already technically brain dead and there was little to no chance of survival.  Still…I prayed for a miracle.  If anyone could save him, God could.  God did not answer my prayers the way I wanted Him to because Matt was taken off life support and died a few days later.

I cried myself to sleep for days afterwards.  I went through the motions of life but I didn’t know how to make sense of it.  I missed him, I still miss him, more than words can describe.  I did not have the chance to go to his funeral, which I regret now.  I keep wishing for a way back, a way to at least say “good-bye”.  I’m still looking for a way to say good-bye and deal with the pain in my heart.

Matt…everyone that knew him talks about his smile.  He had such a unique smile, and I rarely saw him without it.  Last time I saw him was at his brother’s wedding last summer.  He was one of the groomsmen and was the life of the party that day.  I looked up to and had a lot of fun with Matt when I was little.  Memories have come flooding back with his death…swimming in Durango Colorado, talking at Christmas after the adults had gone to bed, coloring in North Carolina.

Videos have been put up on facebook of Matt singing “A Whole New World” and “Kiss the Girl” from Disney movies.  These are a side of Matt I never knew, but I love it.  He is so full of life and seems really happy.  Matt moved to Colorado and made a life there, where he could go skiing all the time.  He loved being outdoors and always made life an adventure.

My mom found a card that Matt made me when I was born.  He was eight when I was born and lived halfway across the country (me in California, him in Nebraska) but he took the time to color a card for his new baby cousin.  I will forever treasure that card.

I don’t understand how this could possibly be part of God’s plan.  God allowed it to happen and I don’t understand.  I believe God had the power to stop it and quite honestly sometimes I’m mad at God for not doing so.  But at the same time…I know God DOES have a plan.  Somewhere, somehow, good will come from this pain.

Right now, pain is all I feel from the situation and I hate to hear that it will get better.  It seems like I either feel pain at thoughts of Matt, or I pretend like it never happened.


I wish you could see the outpouring of support on your facebook page.  People still write to you and tell you what they’re doing, how they miss you.  I was supposed to see you in less than a week and it seems unreal that I won’t see you again.  I miss you so much!  You will forever be loved and remembered by everyone who knew you.
