Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Giving Thanks for Simple Ordinary Things

At the beginning of the month my roommate saved a jar and every so often she would put notes in it with things that she was thankful for.  I was going to join her and do that to but never got around to it.  Despite the fact that I never actually got a jar and joined her, it made me think.  How often do I actually thank God for what He has given me? Sure I say prayers such as thank you for_____(the day, the weather, family, etc) but do I ever take time to enjoy what I’ve been given?

Last week was the last week of school before my Thanksgiving break and the teachers all decided that this would be the perfect week to give a test.  It makes sense (to not have to study over the break) but that also meant that I had a test in almost every subject and was completely overwhelmed with everything.  At the beginning of the week someone talked about a sunset they had seen the weekend before and I realized that I rarely (but especially not in busy times) stop and look at the sunset, sunrise, stars, etc and that’s something that I really enjoy doing.

In our culture we all lived such rushed, busy lives that we don’t take time to stop and think.  It is proven that spending time in nature reduces stress levels but even if that is something you don’t enjoy what about taking five minutes with your kids/spouse/parents/brothers or sisters?  What about the five minutes when you wake up every morning or go to bed at night when you have can just sit in bed and relax?  I am so happy when I have the two-minute drive to the school library because that means that I have the chance to listen to music.

This thanksgiving and everyday this year I want to be able to say that I’m thankful for more than just family and friends.  Don’t get me wrong-I am soooo very blessed to have the life that I do and to be surrounded by family and friends that I have.  But I also want to be able to say thank you for the sunsets and the rainbows.  Thank you for time alone, and late night talks with friends. Thank you for car rides, a piano to play while I’m at school, nights when I get eight hours of sleep, and early morning walks.  I want to be able to say thank you, really mean it, and take time to enjoy these things.

Thank you for simple, ordinary things and blessings that I don’t realize I have but are given to me daily!!!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  Philippians 4:6

“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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